Social Contribution Activities
Top Commitment
We will work to support the development of children who will lead the future of the region.

Watahan has worked together with the private vassals to protect the local community and strive for the development of the region, since the time of the samurai before its establishment.
We provide a variety of support, starting with the scholarship system that we started in 1953, with the desire that children's growth will lead to the development of the local community.
We will continue to develop together with the local community by working to support the children who will lead the future.

In 1953, We initiated the Ryukyo-Ikueikai Scholarship Fund, which has continued to support students from the Iida-shimoina region for more than 60 years. In 1957, we give gifts to elementary and junior high schoolchildren at enrollment ceremonies every spring in cities, towns and villages in the Nagano and Tokai regions.

In 2008, we sponsored the first "Watashi-no-furusato-jiman," or "My Hometown Pride Art Contest." This painting competition is held every year with a theme of hometown pride, targeting elementary and junior high school students who have lived or visited and remained in Nagano.

We support elementary and junior high school students in the area to interact with soccer and to promote soccer.

We support NPO corporations that are active in revitalizing local sports mainly on rugby.

We gather elementary and junior high school students in the area, employees serve as teachers to hold Terakoya where children can study at the store.

We positively accepts local elementary and junior high school social studies tours and workplace experiences.